Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Gambar Sexy Miss Indonesia 2008 Sandra Angelia

Gambar Sexy Miss Indonesia 2008 Sandra Angelia MissGambar Sexy Miss Indonesia 2008 Sandra Angelia Miss
Gambar Sexy Miss Indonesia 2008 Sandra Angelia Miss

Encountered in building the Trans Corp., South Jakarta, Thursday (18 / 3), Sandra explains about the new program that they brought it.

Miss Indonesia 2008, Sandra Angelia will fill the lunch break with the TV audience BINGKAI BERITA hosted the show every Monday until Friday at 1 pm on Trans TV.

"So despite the news, but a light meal, good views, casual, wear track everything and period 30 minutes. Moreover, not me as the host, may be pretty to viewers," said the girl was born in Surabaya.

In preparation, Sandra lot watching the news on television. Sandra thinks that the news anchor should have extensive knowledge and insights and most importantly must be able to attract the attention of the viewer.

Packaging idea that's more relaxed this news, recognized Sandra will attract more viewers.

"It was not read, how can they be eye contact and body language are also lovely," added the architecture student.

"Usually, the news was likely to seriously, but could not everyone's like to pay attention to the news which is always serious, so yes they serve with a different way, let all people be like news," they concluded.

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