Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

happy birthday cartoon balloons

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 09:25 AM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.

    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    If we constantly expand the topic, none of what was previously said is relevant.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

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  • Apple 26.2
    Apr 15, 04:09 PM
    Whatever differences exist, you'll get used to them.

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  • cute cartoon happy birthday

  • macfan881
    Nov 5, 09:58 PM

    Verizon Fails at multi touch keyboard.

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  • stock vector : Happy cartoon

  • FF_productions
    Oct 28, 03:20 PM
    Wow, and I thought the G5's were God.

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  • Happy Birthday Trinity!

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 09:31 PM
    No, of course not. I just find it interesting that someone who clearly dislikes a company and its products so much has so much free time to spend on a board for people who do enjoy said company and products.

    So this site is for fanboys only?

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  • Disney dlr mickey foil alloon

  • TEG
    Aug 29, 12:26 PM
    No One cares what Greenpeace thinks. They are nothing but the military wing of the Sierra Club. The only thing I can't stand more than Greenpeace is the ELF.



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  • Animated Happy Birthday

  • digitalaviator
    Jun 21, 05:52 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/07/android-to-surpass-iphone-in-market-share-by-2012/)

    Computerworld reports (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9139026/Android_to_grab_No._2_spot_by_2012_says_Gartner) that research firm Gartner is forecasting significant growth in Google's Android operating system for smart phones, noting that it expects Android to surpass Apple's iPhone to claim the number two spot behind Symbian OS with 14.5% of the global smart phone market by 2012.The predicted margin is small, however, with Apple predicted to grab 13.7% of the smart phone market in 2012. Both companies are forecasted to take significant share from Symbian, which currently holds approximately 50% market share but is expected to fall to 39% over that time.

    Article Link: Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012? (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/07/android-to-surpass-iphone-in-market-share-by-2012/)

    bahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaaha.....

    .....not likely

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  • Various phrases in cartoon

  • furqan8421
    Apr 9, 10:58 AM
    Why are people being defensive and bringing up a few examples like final fantasy 3? These games are not the norm. Look at the top downloads list in the app store to get a good idea of what most games are.

    iOS games are fine, but the majority of them really are time wasters. The only real advantage most iOS games have is that they are much cheaper than on portable systems or console games.

    For most popular games though the experience isn't nearly good enough. The most popular games on consoles are FPS, Racing games, and Sports. Without physical buttons iOS can't compete with the same genres of games. iOS is better at puzzle games where touching is preferable to moving a mouse/controller, and can be fine on RPG games especially if they are turn based.

    Real racing can be fun, but enthusiasts buy steering wheels to play gran turismo and forza. It's just not the same.

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  • Sythe cartoon 2 - search ID

  • MacFly123
    Oct 7, 01:12 PM
    All I have to say is EAT IT MICROSOFT! Windows Mobile SUCKS lol :D :p

    I love seeing the way things are going for Microsoft. It is like watching a giant passing out about to SLAM and hit the ground collapsed. Always too little too late! :rolleyes:

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  • Cartoon Balloons are available

  • MovieCutter
    Apr 12, 10:14 PM
    If this really is to non-linear editing as Henry Ford was to the automobile, it's time to learn how to drive this thing like a Formula One driver...because everyone's going to THINK they know how to use this.

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  • Balloons

  • Warbrain
    Sep 26, 07:43 AM
    I'll be holding my Mac Pro purchase off for a while...

    Why? You'll be waiting for a bit of a long time...

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  • Family Guy Happy Birthday

  • mtbgtr
    Nov 12, 09:08 PM
    Not sure why anyone would care that an android device would surpass iPhone in 2012 when we will all be dead on December 21, 2012 anyways. :cool:

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Happy Birthday Cartoons
  • Happy Birthday Cartoons

  • dudemac
    Mar 18, 03:58 PM
    To all but a few of the replies so far that seem totally out raged by this,
    First there is no support for itms on linux as it currently stands and this just allows user of linux to purchase songs from the itms and play them on that platform. It also allows someone like me who has a high speed connection at work to purchase music and take it home with me. Yes I have a couple of mac's and an ipod, so my loyalty hasn't changed.

    Secoundly this doesn't hack the DRM that apple supplies, however it does violate the EULA, which I don't know anyone that doesn't violate a EULA at least once a day. But that is really a different argument.

    Finally why is there no outrage that DRM is not optional or that there hasn't been a standardized format for music. There are reasons why the mini disc failed and it had nothing to do with quality. But it was a propriotary format that needed to be liscencsed. So when looking at the delima of DRM it should be more of a how do we get everything to play everywhere kind of question then just limiting how the user can play/share the music at home. I really hate being limited for "my own good". or more appropriately for the good of a corporation. If WMA beats apple it will only be because they failed to standardize and work within the industry.

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  • Cute illustration of a bunch of colourful cartoon birthday party alloons with happy smiling faces. Image available on various gifts and products.

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 08:48 PM
    You can scan it but if you are doing manual removal its because the scanners aren't finding it (but its still there). In these cases you have to hunt the file down manually, most security sites will post removal instructions but Windows OS allows for files to completely hide themselves even when booting into safe mode and having all files and folders as well as system files showing. A lot of files even though they are there can't be seen by command prompt either.

    However, buy using a non windows OS you can always see these files so I'll plug the drive they are on into a mac or linux machine and locate the files on there.

    Not all viruses hide files like that obviously but some do so if you ever do a manual removal and the file you are looking for isn't there (but you know for sure the machine is infected) then most likely you just have to pop out the drive and plug it into another OS.

    I really wish MS would fix this and not let files be hidden, it would make my job MUCH easier.

    Why do they allow the files to be hidden?

    Of course if you used Norton you wouldn't have this problem. :D:D:D

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOB BIRCH!

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 10:03 AM

    I like the idea of being able to take 3D pictures with the Nintendo 3DS, but that's not worth $250 to me... not at such low resolutions and not when I use my iPhone 4 so much. I like Nintendo, but I don't think they're making good decisions to protect their future. Why don't they work more with independent developers? Why didn't they build their own app store for independent developers? Why not team up with Apple, like Sony sorta is doing with Android?

    Nintendo did really well during the last few years. But now, Apple is becoming a threat. If you acknowledge the threat to Nintendo or not, that's irrelevant. Why? It's because Nintendo acknowledges the threat.


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  • happy birthday pictures images

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 12:10 PM
    When Apple Buys Nintendo eventually, it will be a good merge.

    Here is a question. Why (if you want to see good games on the iphone) would you want Nintendo (and Sony's gaming department) to go away?

    As some one pointed out in some other forum, all the really good, non-angry-birds/cut-the-rope, traditional style (racing, jrpgs, simulators, shooters) games seem to be ports from the other handhelds. In general companies like Squaresoft tend to port over games they've made on other handhelds to make more money on the iphone (usually after they've made their money on the handhelds).

    If the other handhelds go away, do you think we'll see more of that style game for handhelds? Or do you think gaming will go more the way of the social (Freemium) gaming (farmville, ick. I admittedly got into these games when I first was on facebook but after a while realized there was absolutely no substance at all and it was just a game of accumulate stuff with no real "game") and puzzle games (cut the rope/Angry birds. fine for a little time wasting but not something you really immerse yourself in, though I will say some are much better than others).

    I have nothing against puzzle games (But I would be pissed if social/freemium gaming became the pretty much norm) but I still love my jrpgs and my racing games and my flight simulators. And I'm really getting into third person rpgs (Prince of Persian, Assassin's Creed... oddly, these I didn't have as much interest until I got an iphone which I admit is not the best format for them but they're still fun on it). I'd hate to see them go away.

    (and somewhere on the net is a really good rant on why freemium games really isn't a great style of gaming, how just paying some money to get that extra incentive takes away from the actual fun of playing the game vs. actually working in the game to get that stuff).

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday balloons
  • happy birthday balloons

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 09:03 AM
    So it looks like I'm back to building a HTPC sometime next spring. Pitty too. It looks like a slick device. Just not what I'm looking to put under my TV. :(
    By next spring, Apple will have the rest of the Media Center - one of the "super-secret" bits of Leopard is a full clone of Microsoft's Media Center Edition, built upon a greatly enhanced Front Row. (And accompanied by a full-featured AV remote.)

    The iTV is just Apple's copy of Microsoft's "Media Center Extender" and/or "Media Center Connect" (see Media Center Extender or Windows Media Connect. Which Do You Need? (http://www.mediacenterpcworld.com/news/218)) or Intel's wireless extender that will be part of the Viiv platform.

    Leopard has the other piece - the real multiple tuner support and PVR system.

    Couple that with a dual-core Conroe in a TiVo-sized box, and you'll have the option of a dedicated Apple Media Center in the living room, or the "iTV" feeding from the Apple Media Center in the office.

    Windows Media Center Edition supports up to five extenders. Apple certainly will do the same, so whether you choose the Conroe HTPC pizza-box, or a bigger Mac in the office - TVs throughout the house can access the single copy of the media library with "iTV" boxes.

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  • Blue sky with cartoon balloons 2 Stock Photo - 9199572. Blue sky with cartoon balloons 2

  • hexonxonx
    May 6, 05:11 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I too rarely have dropped calls. It's gotten much better since September. I can talk anywhere in the house now without the call dropping.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Happy Birthday Balloons
  • Happy Birthday Balloons

  • tk421
    Apr 13, 12:34 PM
    Nobody I know that's a professional editor (as opposed to a hobbyist) is very excited. If I had to sum up the opinions in two sentences, it would be: It looks like a mixed bag. I need to hear more.

    My thoughts: On the surface, they seem to have addressed a lot of "problems" that didn't exist for me. At the same time, they did NOT address what I found to be the largest shortcomings: Media Management, and Multi-Editor Support. Which leads me to believe that it targets a different audience than I am. For example, I didn't see anything that makes it better for feature film use. But a lot of automated stuff (audio processing, color correction, etc.) will make it better for wedding videos or projects with really small budgets.

    Some things, like making audio and video merged in a single track, sound like a drawback, not a feature. But I would have to try it out myself. Maybe it'd be good once I got used to the new way of doing things.

    There were some things that sounded good. Utilizing multiple cores, 64 bit, background rendering, editing while ingesting, and PluralEyes-like audio syncing. Of course all this depends on how they're implemented. Just like I might actually like merging audio and video, I might end up not liking these things (for example if you can't disable background rendering). One other "feature" I really like is the price, but that's secondary to the actual functionality.

    I guess we'll see. I'm interested in hearing more.

    Mar 25, 12:32 PM
    You misspeak and mischaracterize.

    This is a thread on the Vatican correct? So far as I know, the Vatican is the leadership hierarchy for the Catholic Church. Please correct me if that's not right.

    A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church". A distinction that gives a massive amount of "stretch" and eliminates things like a Roman Catholic pastor in Texas comparing homosexuals to rapists or Mexican catholic priests fomenting hate in the wake of a same-sex marriage bill. And yet we are working within his narrowed definition.

    I can't and don't speak for that member. I've already presented my views on why I think that speech is different from physical acts.

    Sep 12, 06:56 PM
    It's not certain, but It's a damn good bet that it won't record as it doesn't look like it'll have any storage... I wouldn't bet a dime on recording ability...

    You guys all miss the point. The Desktop is the Media Center! All recording gets done there. It is then served to ANY TV, iPOD, Stereo in the house.

    Same way Windows Media and xBox 360 do it, only with a High Def slant.

    Mar 19, 11:54 PM
    If only people could work up a tenth of this kind of moral indignation over things that really matter, like poverty or racism. I despair that the only thing that seems to get geeks politically active is the threat that they won't be able to use their music illegally. It's sad, really.

    Yeah, you can't. Instead of being out protesting you are stuck at your computer dissing IP geeks. Mmm...Sad and hypocritical. Now that's sad.

    Apr 5, 09:40 PM
    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    2. It's kinda' weird that the menu bar shows at the top of the screen and not the window. When you have alot of windows open I sometimes go into the menu bar thinking it belongs to another program than what I intended.

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    I do love the magic mouse and obviously Macs look slicker than PCs so overall I guess I'm satisfied and I'm sure any reasonable person would be as well but from what I've seen of Windows 7 I would think most reasonable people would be happy with that too.

    Mar 11, 09:23 AM
    NB. I guess the most critical things that can get damaged in Japan are the nuke power stations, the reports so far say none are leaking.

    I wouldn't worry about those. They're incredibly well designed. If Japan has any of the new AP1000's, then there's really nothing to worry about.

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