Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

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  • springscansing
    Oct 13, 04:46 AM
    This is actually my first post. Yay! Been a machead forever (using a IIgs when I was 4).

    ANYWAY, regarding various posts about PCs encoding mp3s faster than macs. I am an audio engineer, and I must say the encoding algorithm is MUCH better sounding in iTunes than in Winamp, and I assume most of you are using iTunes in your comparisons. Different programs encode at vastly different rates. For example, I don't know if you recall an application called Soundjam and another called Audiocatalyst. Soundjam encoded 2.4x faster, but sounded like total junk.

    Now.. I'm not part of the "MACS IS FASTR" group, because sadly, they aren't... I just wanted to point out the mp3 encoding tests weren't fair.

    - Springs

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  • nixd2001
    Oct 8, 04:25 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    3.) You speak of flaws of the "x86 architecture" but do not provide us specifics as to why you say this.

    The floating point instruction set architecture of the x86 (silly stack based thing) is/was a naff design decision. I don't even know whether there are alternative routes to accessing FP ops on an x86 these days, as its ages since I've been interested in that level (tad of compiler writing in my history). [Intel did always work pretty hard to get IEEE FP conformance though, which is more than most other CPU mnfs.]

    The limited number of GPRs is also a design flaw that has largely been worked around.

    Maybe the best way to get an understanding of what Intel privately thinks is good/bad about x86 ISA is to look at what sorts of x86 instructions get translated into what sort of micro-ops internally - the larger the change, the less Intel like their original decisions.

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 04:31 PM
    I'd like nothing better than to be able to dump Comcast completely, but without the ability to watch live sports, it's a no-go. If they start streaming games for a couple bucks, I'd definitely take a look at it.

    -- Any regular-season game from any sport = $1.99

    -- Any playoff game from any sport = $2.99

    -- NFL season pass (1 team, 16 games) = $30

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  • fpnc
    Mar 20, 11:36 PM
    I doubt Apple would waste their time and go after and sue the people who used this program and broke the iTunes contract. It seems like a relatively trivial matter. (But after looking at their thinksecret lawsuit, I don't know).

    My comments were about the people who wrote the software, not those that just use it. It's the PyMusique programmers that may face legal troubles, while those who merely use the software may or may not face consequences (I suspect that the worse for them might be termination of their iTunes account, in which case they won't have to worry any longer about iTunes DRM).

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  • gjkiii
    May 9, 11:32 PM
    Hopefully someone at ATT will read these posts! In the same boat, last 3-4 weeks been getting worse in R.I.

    It won't matter. I am a firm believer than unless you have pressure from a competitor you can take your time fixing your problems. And until the iphone ends up on another carrier I can't see AT&T making improvements for Iphone users a priority. Despite what steve says I believe that the AT&T networks would be better if the iphone was on multiple carriers. It may have been a good decision for steve financially to make it exclusive but its not a good decision by steve for the iphone users.

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  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    One thing Macs need anti-virus is to scan mails for Windows viruses, so that those doesn't to you PC. That is all.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 27, 11:12 AM
    It lies at the supposed heart of Joseph Nicolosi's and NARTH's work. It's nonsense.

    Of course it is. Gay men don't want to be be women and lesbians don't want to be men. We weren't coddled too much by one parent or another. That NARTH garbage is just that- garbage.

    "There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence". Anything outside that, obviously barely qualifies as evidence. Not wishing to get bogged down in a tired to and fro about semantics or anything...

    So what? That's exactly what he is. He bilks money from deeply conflicted people who feel ashamed of themselves. When the Surgeon General of the United States releases a report saying that "there is no valid scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed", then you can be assured that those on the opposite side of the argument have a bill of goods to sell.

    Let me ask you an important question. Is there any evidence, testimonial or reasoned argument that would lead you to change your mind?

    You know the answer to that. People like Bill will never see us as OK, no matter how much proof they're given. The hate us, and disguise their hate as some twisted form of "love". It's sickening.

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  • stcanard
    Mar 18, 10:19 AM
    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement. Here in music where Apple is the most popular and widely used, they are getting hacked (semi-successfully) more often than their WMA counterpart.

    Yes and no. True iTunes is getting hacked more than WMA because of its popularity, but this has no bearing on the relative security of the software or operating systems.

    The problem is that DRM like this is flawed by definition. In order for me to be able to listen to the track, my computer has to have the capability to decode and play it. Therefore there has to be a hole that can be exploited to get that information. Jon is very good at finding that hole that has to exist.

    The system is guaranteed to be breakable as long as you look hard enough.

    The same is not true for operating systems. The system does not have to be breakable, so now you can make an assessment based on the architecture.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 23, 06:17 PM
    Have we answered the question of why there are so many atheists here? We got sidetracked by a few people making generalizations about atheists but not adding much substance.

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  • macfan881
    Nov 5, 09:58 PM

    Verizon Fails at multi touch keyboard.

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  • benixau
    Oct 12, 08:22 AM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    thank god that macs are not seen or built as throwaway consumer electronics

    Too right. I had an LC630 up until about 2 months ago. First problem occured on week into use, apple monitor stoped working. 10 yrs later, power supply went. Only problem after the monitor problem and before the power supply porblem was the family needed to use it. That only meant that i couldnt sometimes.

    A pc we had was upgraded every 6 months to make sure it would run. 2 months ago, four years into its life, the celeron 333 couldn't handle windows XP (it came with 98) after a serious OS problem. We chucked it, bought an AMD XP 1800+ and got two brand new power macs (MDD model). Cant afford an iBook or Powerbook yet.

    Macs last longer, as long as you dont want the latest and greatest app to run, like Office v.X on a performa. If you can live with Office 2001 or 98 then, why get something untested.

    A mac cost 2x as mush upfront. They last 4 - 5 times as long. Who saves money???

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  • mytdave
    May 2, 11:29 AM
    Why does Apple even have the "open safe files after download" option in Safari? If they insist on keeping that "feature" in Safari, the least they could do is have it off by default.

    ...And this new threat is not a virus. At best, it's a trojan. Still no viruses on MacOS X...

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  • diamornte
    Apr 13, 03:46 AM
    Is it any coincidence that the "so-called" Pros in this discussion (who have probably never even used FCP) are complaining about the Interface simply because it looks like iMovie, and so therefore must be "cheap/un-professional"?

    You can't assume they've never used FCP. FCP is so readily available in the Post Production World, seems that everyone's got a copy of it at home whether it's the student edition or pirated.

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  • AJsAWiz
    Jun 13, 06:17 PM
    I loved the iPhone, but the AT&T service is crap! It drops calls with 5 Bars and 3G, so the Towers are not the issue. If Steve Jobs would wake F&*$ up and get with Verizon then AT&T would go out of Business. I am now with Verizon which is where I came from to get the iPhone and I have not dropped a call yet?

    C'Mon Steve get the iPhone to Verizon.

    I've had the iPhone since it first came out ( currently have 3GS) and have just started having signal strength problems and dropped calls in the past year. This problem was far worse when I was with Verizon. It was so bad that Verizon, after seeing the history of calls to customer service, finally let me out of my contract without having to pay a termination fee. Then I went to AT&T.

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  • digitalaviator
    Jun 21, 05:52 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/07/android-to-surpass-iphone-in-market-share-by-2012/)

    Computerworld reports (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9139026/Android_to_grab_No._2_spot_by_2012_says_Gartner) that research firm Gartner is forecasting significant growth in Google's Android operating system for smart phones, noting that it expects Android to surpass Apple's iPhone to claim the number two spot behind Symbian OS with 14.5% of the global smart phone market by 2012.The predicted margin is small, however, with Apple predicted to grab 13.7% of the smart phone market in 2012. Both companies are forecasted to take significant share from Symbian, which currently holds approximately 50% market share but is expected to fall to 39% over that time.

    Article Link: Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012? (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/07/android-to-surpass-iphone-in-market-share-by-2012/)

    bahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaaha.....

    .....not likely

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  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 11:07 AM
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.

    Steeming the panic contributes greatly to solving the problem. Half the problem is the panic around it. Once we've educated the user about the difference between different kinds of malware, we can effectively target the actual problem and solve it instead of going "panic mode" and putting in place many "solutions" that don't actually address the problem.

    Education is the best prevention for many malwares. Anti-malware companies want to sell you Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt so they can cash in. Fighting this FUD means the users can better protect themselves, rather than spending cash for something that doesn't even address the core issue.

    So you're quite wrong.

    While I generally agree with whqt your saying, most XP machines I've seen the primary account the owner uses is an Administrator account that allows any application full access to anything on the machine. Very few unix types do that.

    You'd be amazed how many Linux distributions still make creating a user account an optional step of installation and how many users just go "with the flow" and just use root all the time.

    That's fine, but that's not what most fanboys espouse. "THERE ARE NO VIRUSES FOR OS X!!!" is not the same as "There is no malware for OS X," which confuses the uninformed user.

    I have seen no one in this thread do what you say. I have however seen you claim there are viruses for Mac, which is just FUD. I have seen a lot of Mac users here claim that there is Malware for Mac, but that the malware is not viruses.

    Frankly, you seem to be part of the problem you describe. Keep the users dumb and spread the FUD my friend.

    I'm well aware of UAC. UAC also just happens to be "that annoying popup thing" that has become extremely popular for users to disable entirely since the debut of Vista.

    You mean like the OS X pop up that asks for your password for the umpteenth time ? ;)

    Users are as conditioned to just enter it on OS X as they are on clicking Allow on Windows.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 14, 07:47 PM
    And as long as humans are in charge of designing, building, and maintaining them, there will be errors.

    I think part of the problem may have to do with the fact that the plants are designed by engineers. Engineers' focus is elegance: accomplishing the most in the most minimalist way. Nuclear power plants need much less minimalism and elegance than just about anything else humans can make, but costs and other limitations tend to guide the design toward what engineers are best at. Redundancy and over-building are desirable, I believe we end up with too much elegance instead.

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  • Steve121178
    Apr 28, 08:03 AM
    Horrible headline.

    You do not "slip" upwards.

    The headline is as false as the story. The iPad is not a PC.

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  • chaoticbear
    Apr 14, 04:36 PM
    Stick shared files on a NAS or in the cloud. Problem solved.

    My last PC laptop decided not to go to sleep one one trip, I put it away in my backpack and when I took it out the battery was drained and the sleeve was discolored by the heat.

    Plus, I just love trying to shut down or log off and be told that Windows needs to install updates. Right now? WTF! If I need to shut you down it's because I need to go. Now.

    This is really better?


    Regarding the first point - we have a NAS set up at home, but trying to format that sucker to where both of our computers could use it, the NAS recognized it, and to where we could stick >4GB files on there was a wreck. At this point, I don't remember what we put each partition in, but I know the onboard BT client only accepted one format, I had to download some tool to make a small partition for that, and then we partitioned the rest as... something. If I ever need to plug directly into my computer for anything, I'm sure it'll be a blast.

    And I don't generally mind the close = sleep behavior, but it'd be nice to have the option, you know? At least my new MBA charges my phone while it's closed; the old MB had to be open. It spent a lot of time open and idle.

    Designer Dale
    Apr 20, 06:47 PM
    I don't have an iPhone, but I do have an iPod Touch. My wife has an Android phone. I can't use her phone well but I feel I could use an iPhone with zero learning curve just because everything is so consistent across Apple mobile devices. That's what I like about Apple devices. No big surprises.

    The manual for her phone is 156 pages long. I couldn't find the buttons illustrated in it to set up another email address other than Gmail.


    Apr 22, 10:56 PM
    Pray to Ba'al lately?

    Yeah, I didn't get any good drops though...


    Mar 18, 02:40 PM
    might as well ask, other people are probably wondering too... whats DRM?

    In a nutshell (help! I'm in a nutshell!) DRM (Digital Rights Management) is that little wrapper around the downloaded AAC files that makes it so you can only play the song on up to five computers/devices.

    Mar 18, 12:24 PM
    AHAHAHHAHA, good job. I think the head of Napster should send this link to the record company execs. Karma is a bitch.

    Mar 12, 04:49 AM
    Thanks Olly, I was wondering how hydrogen could exlode, not exactly flammable really is it?

    You had said "it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded" and mac jones seemed concerned that the whole reactor had blown up. I was just adding some updates to the thread which seemed to make more sense of the situation based on the limited information available.

    Sorry if it wasn't up to scratch.

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